Monday, September 17, 2007

7 Blister's Later

So in the crazy cool breeze of summer I had the strangest Idea.
I wanted to run more, get into races again and be in better health.
To support this notion I had an acquaintance I met once was training for the camp Pendleton half marathon.
So I decided then and there I could train and get ready in 2 month for 13.1 miles. My initial goal was to finish under 2 hours, my last half I finished in 1:43min. but 3 kids later I figured under 2 was good enough

Well that was the easy part . . .and the hard kept getting harder.
Many of yo know
I have a wonderful jogging stroller, and are thinking how great she throws the kids in and can go running.
HMMMPh, No! Shamefully I must admit I never used my great stroller to actually train. (it's mostly my great beach stroller and walk around with my Boys stroller)
To train with my stroller I would have to put 3 kids in a 2 seater and then therefore push 70 lbs up and down huge hills.
I am not that motivated. So that leaves me training when I have a sitter or husband.

So I usually run after the kids are in bed. I rarely sweat because of the cool crisp night air. I purposely dirt trails and the biggest hills around.
Well training didnt go so well, I was sick more then I wasnt. I have three kids and 4 people's schedules that over run my schedule.
So I went a handful of times, I worked up to 8 miles once and 3 6 to 6.5 mile runs. I would borrow friends dogs if it was going to be a real long or late run.

It was fun to be out and able to actually finish a complete thought. I then read more about the race and realized its BRUTAL. killer hot, steep grades, rocky terrain and my goal became just to finish before they closed the race.
So friday night I put my carbo loaded Motrin fed body to sleep at 9 pm.
Got up at 6 had some water bread, few strawberries and jammed to music as I curved trough rolling hills of Camp Pendleton.

I arrived got my power bar, new socks and insoles, hid my car key and set out for the race deck. I then realized as I was walking next to a perfectly toned, tanned fit, lady that I hadnt shaved in 2 weeks. I ment to save up and shave in the morning to help me glide through the air and run faster (it helps mentally at least).
As i got to registration and sign in I realized I was probably the only person there not in official running gear, armed with distance meter, gel energy packs, or an ipod. So I nestled in to the back of our 1020 mass start population. This is a marine base sponsored run so the vast majority of runners are active duty marines. I was a little if not completely out of place. So out of my element, unprepared, unshaven, and ready to be done I started my race. My hot, hot, uphill, rocky, hot, sweaty race

We climbed 1287 feet in the first 3 miles, and the average grade was 3. It was a long hard run, and I was pretty much done at mile 7 of 13.
Luckily mile marker 10 was blown down and I missed it. So when I got to mile 11 I was so relieved and picked up my pace. Luckily the last 2 miles were level or somewhat down hill. I kept looking for the balloon tunnel, the finish line, and it came not a foot to soon. I cooled down and tore my bloody shoes off, and wished i knew someone I could show my raw heels to.

So I did finish before the close of the race. I finished before 12 male active duty marines in my age bracket. How's that 1st lt Johnson ;-0. And I finished before all 65 to 70 year old male civilians and military, not sure that's so much to brag about . . .but there is not much more.

So I did it. I'll attach a link to the race results. Sorry dont have any pic's to send. Just picture me dripping w/ sweat, jk.
First is civilian result men then women, second is military men then women.

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