Monday, November 19, 2007

I think I got tagged by Matthew

Okay, I am new to the blog world and am not even sure if I am doing what I am supposed to. We will see. I am finding it more and more interesting as I read other peoples blogs. I got tagged by my buddy Matthew Larson's blog and he said he was tagged by one of his favorite people, Wendy, formerly Wasden. As far as I can tell Matthew is now my blogging father and Wendy my blogging grandmother. All that is cool except that apparently I had a mini crush on my grandma in high school. Yikes. Maybe Matthew knows another Ben, and my heritage is now cloudy. Either way, if you have a few minutes, I guess this consists of me telling you 7 things about myself. What an easy way to enter the blogging world. I happen to be my favorite subject.

1. I am a dentist, and an aspiring Professional Surfer. The first one took me about 9 years of my life to achieve, so come 2016, you may see me on the Pro Tour working my way up in some surf competition like Maverick's or Pipeline. More likely than that, you will be reading my blog after reading my obituary after I was eaten by "Whitey"(This is my pet name for the Great White in my nightmares over the last 10 years or so). I have to say that I love both career paths. I especially enjoy hanging out with other dentist buddies of mine and discussing our latest Post and Core, or Root Canal. My latest fave is CAD/CAM technology in dentistry. It is totally sweet.

2. I live in paradise. I love Carlsbad. I dont know that I will ever be able to buy a house here, but it seems like a place I never want to leave.

3. I get offended easily and hold grudges at people who get offended easily and hold grudges. I am only serious about half of this statement. This is somewhat of a pet peeve. I actually like these people more than I used to. I used to just try and stay away, cuz I really like people who don't let things bother them. Surfers are pretty good at this. Unless they get really good and surf at Swami's, then I have found they get easily offended by guys who don't surf that well, and want you out of their ocean. Anyway, I think giving others a free pass is a much more pleasant way to live life.

I would like to describe the easily offended for a paragraph or so. In my experience they are pretty bright(intelligence wise, not necessarily countenance). They also usually have a low self esteem and I think partly leads them to go around looking for things to get bothered by. It usually makes them feel better about their miserable selves. Mostly they are introverts, but not always. I find that they have a bit of a jaded view of things, which can be rather entertaining. You can ask them about anyone in the room and find out a whole bunch of terrible things that make you feel better about yourself. But then when you are done talking to them you have to realize that whatever they know bad about you will also be shared with others. And you should know that in talking with them you have likely done something very offensive.

I personally think that people are generally good. I am usually more than willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt if they do something that could be taken as offensive. I dont know if anyone will read this blog, but I have intentionally been a bit offensive in this section, so that if anyone who reads it and gets annoyed at this post, will just take a look at themselves. Maybe they will check their blood pressure. Maybe take a Xanax. Maybe 2. Maybe think about their life and ask if some idiot newbie blogger is really worth being annoyed at. I mean come on, quit wasting your time. Get over yourself. Next subject.

4. I was built for speed, not strength. I am a huge Truman Madsen fan and i stole this quote from him. If you dont know who he is, you should become LDS and then figure it out. If already LDS, go to Deseret Book. Anyway, I am tall and skinny, and never have been very strong. It used to bug me when I was younger, in fact Br. Wing(a young men leader as a deacon) all 6'2" and 150 lbs of him said I wasn't quite strong enough to help out with a canoe on one of our scout excursions. That offended me back in my easily offended years. But since Truman, I have embraced my body type and appreciate that I may be a weakling, but at least I can run a 40 yard dash in in 5.1 seconds.(Anyone who follows football is probably laughing really hard at me right now.) Next subject.

5. In church I teach a class of freshmen and sophomores and surprisingly it is my favorite calling ever.

6. I have lived all over the country including Utah, Texas, Northern California, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada and now Southern California, and I am glad to be back west of the Mississippi. I do miss fireflies and Fall, but I have not used AC or a heater in my home since I moved here last April.

7. My life is starting to revolve around The Office. My favorite day used to be whatever day the weekend started. Not cuz I dont love what I do, mostly cuz I love doing other things more. Now my favorite day of the week is always Thursday, never an exception. And my favorite time is 9 pm Pacific. So that is me.

Okay,I now Tag Kim, Jason Swann, and Kory(who I don't know that well but she has one of the most entertaining blogs I have been on). I look forward to reading each of your 7.

love it love it love it


Salt H2O said...

Ben- good to see you on the blogging band wagon! You're SO southern California- Surfing Densits! Have you spent any time at grandview? It's the locals spot, but they aren't so hyper about locals only.

I'm glad you find my blog entertaining. I got tagged a few weeks ago, and I don't I'm that interesting so here's the link to my previoustag.

I'm so glad you and Kim are living the life! Jealous doesn't even begin to describe....

~home bodies~ said...

sweet post ben, thanks for sharing. i heard that you had to work late today so missed disney. darn, and i was stuck working a few hours today back at the hotel, so i didn't even get to see kim and your kids. darn. i'll call you when i'm in san diego in a week. -ML